Is FLOTUS Pissed at POTUS for Snappin’ Selfie at Mandela Memorial
Is FLOTUS Pissed at POTUS for Snappin’ Selfie at Mandela Memorial

Well now, viagra 40mg for sale what do we have here?

Well, viagra clinic it looks like the POTUS, ed Barack Obama, is taking a “selfie” with Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron and Denmark’s Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt during a memorial service for Nelson Mandela on Tuesday.

And as you can see, the FLOTUS, Michelle Obama, decided to take a pass or maybe she wasn’t asked to be in the snap. Either way, she looks like she is not pleased at Mr. President and his friends.

Also, as you can see in the photo montage below, Michelle is still throwing daggers at Barack and finally put herself between BO and Helle Thorning Schmidt. And that was the end of that.

Maybe President Obama’s jokes about being sacred of Michelle really isn’t a joke. Hmm.

“Poor First Lady, she was probably thinking about her dads funeral back in 1991 and his ass taking selfies!!”

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