Gary Spills Da Tea: Nick Cannon wants to Rob Mariah Carey Blind
Gary Spills Da Tea: Nick Cannon wants to Rob Mariah Carey Blind

He may have all kinds of cash from hosting The Voice America’s Got Talent, online but it appears that Nick Cannon is still trying to rob poor Mariah Carey blind.

You see … Mr. Cannon wants to either write a tell-all about his time with Mimi or get $30 million of her hard earned $500 million stockpile.

And naturally, Dish Nation‘s resident ranter Gary Hayes, who isn’t having ANY of this nonsense, wasn’t able to get everything off of his chest in the time our editors gave him. 

So emancipate yourself from replying to all those e-mails with today’s very special edition of Gary Spills the Tea.

(source: DishNation)

Gary's inimitable style has made him one of radio's standout personalities, ''Honey". His ever-popular "Colour of the Day", fashion reports, flawless entertainment news and celebrity gossip (which Gary calls "Da Tea") are can't-miss features for Rickey Smiley Show listeners and now Dish Nation viewers.

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