Did CeeLo Treat Goodie Mob Differently After Blowing Up?
Did CeeLo Treat Goodie Mob Differently After Blowing Up?

Atlanta-based Goodie Mob, buy viagra one of the first groups to put Southern hip hop on the map, will appear in a summer reality series on TBS – but it’s name comes from just one of its members.

“CeeLo Green’s The Good Life” may be the title, but the series follows Big Gipp, Khujo, and T Mo, too, as they prepare for the release and promotion of Goodie Mob’s 2013 reunion album “Age Against the Machine.”

“We get a chance to really showcase an intimacy that we’ve endured for the last 20 years together,” said CeeLo at a TCA panel for the show in January. “I wanted people to see a more gentler side, a more laughable side of life as far as we’re concerned. A lot of the times, the music that we’ve done and the albums that we’ve released have a very serious overtone of social politics and commentary, so I think it would do our audience a great justice to see us unplugged, so to speak.”

Goodie Mob started peeking in windows with their 1995 release “Soul Food” and its hit single, “Cell Therapy.” Their 2013 return marked the end of a seven-year hiatus for the crew, and 13 years since CeeLo left the group to go solo.

During the interim, Green blew up internationally through his Gnarls Barkley collabo with DJ Danger Mouse, while the other three continued on as a trio. In case their feelings over the split weren’t clear, their 2004 album was titled “One Monkey Don’t Stop No Show.”

Big Gipp, however, bounced  after the release, leaving T Mo and Khujo to record as a duo under the name The Lumberjacks. They recorded one album, 2005’s “Livin’ Life as Lumberjacks,” before the original four reunited for a 2006 performance, announcing they were back together, on good terms, and in the studio.

Riding the success of CeeLo’s 2010 solo album, “The Lady Killer,” Goodie Mob signed a deal with Elektra Records in 2011 and began preparing for what would become “Age Against the Machi

In capturing the leadup for “The Good Life,” TBS says in a tagline: “To enjoy this ride of a lifetime, all they have to do is navigate a demanding schedule, the perks and temptations of being at the top of the music game, and 20 years of history together, all while keeping their friendship intact.”

Below, Khujo is asked if that friendship dynamic has changed since Cee-Lo has become a cat-petting, “Voice” judging, “F*** You” singing superstar.



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